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As a Leader You Will Be Tested, Challenged 

and Be Put Into The Position Where Your 

Decisions Can Make or Break The Company.

In today's BANI  (Brittle, Anxious, Non-Linear and Incomprehensible ) enviroment leaders are facing new decisions, that have never before existed. The smartest decision they can make is tocome together with unbiased peers and work together on how to navigate this
New Leaderhip Journey.

Attention all CEOs, business owners, and leaders!
Are you on a journey of true leadership, facing challenges and opportunities that test your grit, patience, and vision? What if you didn't have to go it alone? 
Imagine being part of an elite group of peers and a guide who knows the lay of the land, providing support to take your organization to new heights.

How high could you lift those around you? 

If you're ready for the climb of a lifetime, then you may be ready to interview for a seat in one of Fitz's dynamic Vistage peer advisory boards. Keep reading to learn more and discover how you can enhance your leadership effectiveness and develop relationships with a strong group of peers.  Just think this is what you could experience...

✅ Value unbiased opinions, insights and new perspectives from your peers 
✅ New perspectives, insights, and strategie a CEO mentor and coach
✅ a Insights to gaining a competitive edge to increase market share and attract talent

✅ Be part of an elite team of peers who have your back  professional collaboration
✅ Guidance in Business Expansion, Evalutations and Strategic Planning





Over 45,000 CEOs 
have a secret to growth and navigating the
New Leadership Journey. 

Are You Ready For The Secret?

You are not the only one who was wondering..

You might be discovering that Peer Advisory Boards exist...

You may have questions like other leaders have had...


Consider this...

What if you got UNBIASED straight talk from the sidelines

from those who walked in your shoes?


Leaders deal with a plethora of challenges and opportunities.

They value the UNBIASED viewpoints on how to solve... 

--  Remove the bottlenecks in your organization

Become more effective when it comes to producing your product or service 

Improving Revenue

--  Hiring the Right People - A Players vs C Players 

--  Raising the Level of Performance and Execution

--  Creating Alignment and Improve Accountability 

--  Improving Communication and Raising Employee Engagement

--  Creating the Leadership Team 

--Deciding on What Opportunities to Go After 

--Finding the Capital to Grow 

What if you had facts, true life examples, a brain trust of the smart minds, a forum with unbiased peers to have strategic discussions about your business?


You could move from BEING IN THE WEEDS having to do it all 

To DECIDING it and bringing on a great team

To DELEGATING it to a team that is empowered 

To DEVELOPING a Vision for Growth.

Listen in to What Ed Campbell Has To Say

To become a Vistage Member you must be: 
>  Nominated
>  Interviewed
>  Selected
>  Appointed 

If you have been nominated then 
CONGRATULATIONS!  You may be on 
your way to an incredible journey of
leadership.  (Watch the video and then
connect with Fitz).  If you have not--- go ahead and 
connect with Fitz to learn how you might get on her nomination list. 


Flip Thru This Flip Book and Gain 3 Key Insights

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what do they know that you need to know?


Since 1957, Vistage has been bringing together high-integrity CEOs, executives and business owners into private advisory groups. Each group is purpose-built to help members help each other improve the performance and outcomes of their businesses.

In our Peer Advisory Boards a group of about  a dozen senior level leaders  (like you) meet once a month to solve problems, evaluate opportunities and work on an assortment of strategic and operational issues.

Our more than 45,000+  members around the world represent a range of industries and a variety of backgrounds.

It all starts 
with the board.

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Still Not Sure? 

Let's Add It Up... 45k x 65  x  4.6%

What do these numbers equal?

It equates to the reputation of 

VISTAGE The World's Leading CEO Organization 

for 45,000 CEOs, Presidents and Business Owners 

who for 65 years 

have elevated their leadership 

with their peers.

Wondering if this is for you? 

Click Here To See if Vistage Is Right For You

  Vistage Member Companies Grew Revenue At 4.6% 

While Non-Members Saw A Decrease Of 4.7%.

And by the way...

This is not an association.

It's not a chamber group.

It's not a franchise or consulting company.

It's not a networking or leads group.

It's not a club, clique.

It's a for-profit company started by CEOs for CEOs.

It is selective, exclusive, productive, and everyone in is vetted and I interview them to see if they are a good fit for my Vistage groups.

And also super busy, and yet they invest up to $20,000 and 100 hours to be part of this experience. Committment is high- because value is great.


Vistage has grown more than any other Leadership Peer Group or Forum in the past year. Why? Because my members know they can rely on their peers to help them fast-track to the solutions to challenges and problems they have. 

So, what did these CEOs and Leaders do that you have not done yet?  



They tapped into continuous flow of unbiased fresh perspectives  


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The group goes deep.

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 We have broken down 

the issue in a very structured 

and dispassionate way. 

Vistage Member 

Thinly reasoned conclusions have no place in a Vistage Peer Advisory Board.


The hallmark of our boards is something we call Issue Processing. It’s a structured, thorough and efficient approach to helping members think through the dynamics of a challenge. It forces you to push beyond your assumptions and get to the real issues. That’s critical to understanding and evaluating your options before making a decision and taking action.


The process is a bit like working on a post- graduate business case in real time. Only the subject is your business.

who leads the peer advisory boards? 

The role of a Vistage Board Chair is to ensure that every bit of that experience and wisdom is applied in a Vistage meeting.

Chairs are accomplished leaders and former CEOs. They are part facilitator, part coach and mentor.

They are totally committed to the success of their board members.

They help stimulate thinking, frame issues, guide discussions, spark collaboration, make connections, limit tangents and 

ensure accountability in the group.

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Vistage Chairs are very well-connected and spend a good portion of their time interviewing nominated candidates. 


Every member in the Vistage Worldwide Community was interviewed and vetted before they were appointed to 

 a seat on a Vistage Peer Advisory Board.


When you own or run a business, even the simplest decisions can have profound implications.

In a Vistage peer advisory board, no topic is off limits. If you are willing to talk candidly about the tough decisions you face, fellow members will rally around you, listen, ask tough questions and bring to bear every resource they have to help you solve problems and seize opportunities.

Whether the question is operational, financial, legal, structural or even personal, your Vistage board is a confidential forum of experienced executives who rely on each other for wisdom, advice and counsel.

The conversations when we meet can be insightful, intense but always well regarded. 

are you ready?  

Get Selected.
Get Appointed.


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